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Swift Shader is a complete rewrite of the original, aiming to be much faster and more stable. It features various improvements over the previous versions, such as subshaders, subroutines, submaterials, spriteshadows and many other minor graphical enhancements. But what are subshaders? Well according to the Swift Shader website they are "what allow you to organize your shaders better." Subshaders allow you to create multiple shader files which can then be compiled into one spf-compatible file (.cso) for use with any renderer that supports .spf files or using the internal shader compiler. Download Swift Shader 4. 0 for Windows Windows Download Download Swift Shader 4.0 for Mac OS X Mac OS X Download Swift Shader 4.0 replaces the old "mShader" binary with a new, more flexible one called "shaderc". The new binary should be compatible with all versions of Poser since it is designed to be used with the old V2 files. There are several advantages to this new binary, but the biggest is that it can be safely executed from any directory without having to change the path before running the application. This means that it can be used on any computer which has access to an internet connection, even if it's not installed on the local computer file system. This is a huge advantage over the old Poser-specific shaders where you had to copy all of your files into Poser's shader directory before you could use them. It also means that it can be run from any location on the internet, which makes it useful for websites with multiple users. The new Swift Shader binary (shaderc) is written in C# and requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 or above to run. Update to Version 2.00: https://www.facebook. com/groups/PoserShaders http://www.pimaps4x4world. com/2012/10/14/132-swift-shader-400-is-released/ http://wwwappsbysonicstudios. eccc085e13